Pittsburgh Tryouts Jan 28th - 10am Start - 9am Check-in
For those who have been around and those who are in question after this weekend’s meeting, we’re hosting a “Pittsburgh Tryout” for all players and skills looking to make changes for 2023 as a whole rather than one individual team tryout. We are asking anyone currently not on a roster, would like to move teams, or have their team become a Pittsburgh Paintball Sponsored Team to come to the tryout on the 28th. We will have other affiliated Pittsburgh Teams, Pittsburgh Blast, Pittsburgh Renegades, and lower 412 Krew lines and their representatives at the tryout to help place you on a team which fits your ability, their classification, and goals.
With that said, we are proud to announce a Semi Professional Team 412 Krew. The 412 Krew has actively represented Pittsburgh Paintball for over a decade showing commitment and development within the program. A current roster has been created and those players have been actively included in discussions over the winter break. If you haven't been preselected and would like to tryout for the Semi Pro or lower divisional 412 Krew teams please contact myself or Kraig Martin.
We look forward to 2023 as much as you are and expanding upon the great things we have started such as weekly drill nights with addition of lights for night play, streetball, mech xball, scrimmages, APES, Seeds, and much more!